A Beautiful Day!

Hello my crafty BoBunny friends,
It's Angela here and I'm pleased to introduce you my brand new Misc Me binder where I keep my memories and family adventures.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

I'm a working mum and time is never enough, but I found Misc Me is a fun beautiful time-saving system to organize photos in an album.
Below is how I pop-up the word JOY with Chocolate Pearlesent and a withe gel pen on the first introducing page.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Particularly today I'd like to show you a beautiful day we, my family and I, spent with some dear friends last July.
It was a sunny day and the location surrounded by the green hills.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Sweet Memories Collection is the one I've chosen to frame the trip, because of its green and brown colors with a touch of pink. You know, pink is never enough for me! :-)
I usually prefer printing my photos on square format, so Misc Me Pocket Squares are perfect to mat them. And not only that! In the picture below I've used them to mat my title.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Here a closeup of a paper clip I've made using Sweet Moments Noteworthy. I love elements that pop out from the pages, it's like a peekaboo that invites you to open the album.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Here is another closeup of how I've used Misc Me Pocket Squares for journaling.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

These are the pages I prefer. Me and my sons on the left and my funny husband on the right. He was pretending to ring a bell.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

To give more interest to the page, I stick a banner with a string.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Between the two pages I put an acetate sheet with a doodle all around that frames the four photos and a Pocket Square in the middle.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Turniting the acetate the sheet frames the left page of the album.

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Isn't it clever?

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

Another closeup of my handsome husband!  ;-)

A Beautiful Day Misc Me by Angela Tombari using BoBunny Sweet Memories Collection

There are a few other pages to complete the story, but I don't want to bore you...
I hope you enjoyed these Misc Me Pages and I hope you'll give it a try.
Thanks for stopping by.

BoBunny Supplies:
Stickers: Sweet Memories Combo Stickers
Noteworthy: Sweet Moments
Chipboard: Sweet Moments
Stamps: Captured
Misc Me Binder: 8 x 9 Gold & Kraft Binder
Misc Me Content: Sweet Moments
Misc Me Pocket Squares: Sweet Moments
Pearlescents: Chocolate, Blush
